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Alli Review

Rated: 4 out of 5

Alli is a recently-approved over the counter diet aid from the pharmaceutical manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline that blocks the absorption of fat by the digestive system. The product contains a lower dosage of Orlistat, the active ingredients found in prescription weight loss aids.

Users on the Alli diet plan must severely limit their fat intake, eat a more nutritional diet, and exercise several times per week in addition to taking Alli. Some users report success by following the Alli plan, while many others have been disappointed.

Alli itself works according to the way that fat is blocked within the digestive tract: with the three daily pills that users take each day, 25% of the fat that is eaten up to 15 grams per meal is blocked and passes through the body undigested. This means that approximately 100 fat calories that would otherwise be digested are blocked each day; over several weeks, this amounts to the loss of one pound.

The Alli Plan

In addition to Alli's fat-blocking action, the Alli plan recommends consuming a low-fat, low-calorie diet and participating in moderate exercise several times a week. Users who follow the Alli plan religiously can expect to lose a few more pounds every several weeks due to the sensible eating and regular exercise components.

For users who lost weight while using Alli, it's hard to separate the weight loss effect from the Alli pills and the effect from following a low-fat, low-calorie diet combined with regular exercise. In many Alli reviews, users noted that the side effects of Alli, which increase when fat consumption approaches of exceeds the recommended limits, are a powerful detriment to consuming high-fat foods. After all, who wants to run the risk of anal leakage and uncontrollable gas?

Alli Side Effects

The generic name for Alli is Orlistat; over one hundred clinical studies with more than 30,000 users have been conducted using Orlistat. Alli's manufacturer provides numerous warnings about the side effects that can be experienced when taking Alli. These side effects include diarrhea, oily spotting, gas, bloating, and other digestive upsets, which tend to worsen following the consumption of high-fat foods.

Users are much more candid regarding Alli's side effects. Tales of embarrassing accidents in public and recommendations to keep spare underwear and clothes handy are just a few of the comments from Alli users.

Where to Buy Alli

Alli is available for sale without a prescription at most drug stores and in the health and beauty section within stores like Walmart. In addition, Alli can be purchased online from a number of retailers including and

Does Alli Work?

For some users, the Alli plan works well to help them to lose weight. A few users reported weight loss of up to one hundred pounds in a year's time. Other users were disappointed with the very slow weight loss they experienced in spite of the three Alli pills daily and adherence to the diet and exercise regime.

Almost without exception, Alli users warn about Alli's digestive side effects.

For a better alternative to Alli, why not consider a natural supplement specifically formulated to reduce hunger cravings instead? Check out our diet pill reviews for more information and our recommendations.

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