Hydroxycut Review
Rated: 3.5 out of 5
by DietPill.org
Any consumer who has considered using some kind of aid to reduce or maintain their weight has come to realize that there are a multitude of products designed to deal with this issue on the market today. And, the reason for that is quite simple - more than ever in the history of humanity, people are suffering from the effects of too much caloric intake. Combine that with a growing amount of sedentary behavior and the results are more than predictable. The problem, which is growing worldwide, is at its worst in the United States. The reasons for this are many fold but the main cause has been found to be the diet which is nearly unique to American consumers and which is loaded with fats, salts and sugars well beyond anything found on that scale anywhere else in the world today.
The key point to take away from all of this is that Americans, on average consume more calories per day than any other society on the planet. The reason for this can be traced to their dietary choices, their levels of productive exercise and their lifestyles in general. Add to that the influences of advertising and the growing number of outlets for these messages through cable TV, the internet and social media and you have a confluence of circumstances which make avoiding the near constant thought of food very hard to avoid.
Historically, this set of facts has only been with the world and the United States, in particular, for about the last fifty to sixty years when in the wake of the second world war we saw a dramatic rise in the technology and means to produce mass quantities of food very cheaply and that could have an extremely long shelf life. The downside to this set of great innovations was the fact that, in order to achieve this kind of advancement, these foods would have to contain a great deal of low-quality ingredients and many that were based on manmade chemicals. It was at this time that the term "processed foods" became a part of the American lexicon.
The good news is that, in the last decade or so, more and more people are becoming educated as to the contents of their foods but also the detrimental effects that these products can have on, not only their weight, but also on the overall health. As a result, there has been a growing movement in society and in the industries that produce these products to find new, lower calorie and healthier options.
Still, all of these efforts have been shown to fall short of solving the problem which has led to other means of controlling caloric intake. One of the key methods in this regard is the use of weight loss products such as dietary supplements such as diet pills. As much as an improvement that this may be there are a number of problems which have arisen out of the use of these types of products. Mainly, the issue is that the desire for products of this nature has grown so much in the last few decades that the market for them has exploded and there are now literally hundreds of products of this type and many of them have been shown to be either not very effective or the cause of even more problems when it comes to health outcomes for many consumers.
Keeping all of these factors in mind we, as a part of our continuing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will help them reach their goals of weight loss and good health, have decided to take a good long look at one of the most talked about weight loss products on the market today - it's called Hydroxycut.
Hydroxycut Ingredients

This product is formulated with a well-known set of ingredients common to many of the leading brands of weight loss pills on the market today. One this that must be pointed out though is that it does not include some of the most critical elements that have been shown to be most effective in controlling weight gain and achieving impressive results in weight loss.
The ingredients which can be found in it include Robusta coffee extract, Apple cider vinegar, Plum, Baobab extract, Cardamom, Coffee extract, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Riboflavin and Thiamin.
Key ingredients are not shown to be included are Phytosome Green Tea Extract and L-Carnitine. These two elements are critical to helping put the body into a state conducive to weight loss by revving up the metabolism which allows all of the other essential elements to achieve their stated goals.
Where To Buy Hydroxycut
This product is produced and distributed by its parent company which goes by the same name. It is said to be produced in the United States, but the product label does not specify where. This is important as the location of the facilities can play a major role in any regulations which may affect what, if any, research, studies or clinical trials are performed. This is a subject which we will discuss further ahead.
Does Hydroxycut Work?
There are many claims which are made for Hydroxycut as to its overall effectiveness, including that the average user loses about ten pounds when following the recommended plan of use. The problem with this and other claims is that we could find no evidence of any research, studies or clinical trials which would offer any support for these many claims in any materials provided by the company or through any of the many industry sources which normally provide links to data related to research and testing of products of this nature.
User Reviews
One of the biggest problems facing consumers these days is the fact that more and more companies are working to muddy the waters when it comes to consumer reviews of their products when they find that the majority of user comments are turning out to be on the negative side. This is done in a number of ways including encouraging the posting of comments which are deliberately positive and even by creating websites which are designed to mislead the public when it comes to the authenticity of their user reviews. This being the case, we always attempt to find less biased sources of user reviews for our needs.
In a review of numerous industry related sites with no known affiliation with Hydroxycut as well as several online chat rooms and forums with a history of discussing weight loss products we came across a wide swath of independent user reviews for this product. The calculations related to the overall user satisfaction comments showed that a large majority of those users did not believe that they received any significant or lasting benefit from the use of Hydroxycut.
The Final Conclusion
Being that people in the developed world and, especially in the United States are dealing with a food supply which is largely based on processed foods with a high degree of fat, salt and sugar in them as well as a high degree of man-made chemicals designed to improve flavor, color shelf life it is no wonder that there is an obesity epidemic. To no one's surprise, this has led to the creation of a large industry which offers products designed to help consumers lose weight and maintain a healthy one. But, with the growing evidence that not all products of this kind are either effective or safe, our goal here was to determine if Hydroxycut was among the best that this industry has to offer. To do that we decided to look at numerous factors but three of them were the basis of our overall analysis.
The first was the list of ingredients and, as we discussed, there are many fine elements which have proven track record and yet there are a couple of key ingredients which are not included. The second factor was related to what we could find with regard to any research, studies or testing. In this case, there was no credible or verifiable evidence such as data from reports which would support the many claims being made for the actual formulation of Hydroxycut. The third and final factor had to do with what independent user reviews were found to be saying about their experiences with Hydroxycut and the evidence showed that most of them did not have a positive view of this product and what it did for them.
All in all, the record shows that there are clearly many other products of this nature that are proving themselves to be far more effective and safer to use.
For more information on high quality weight loss products available on the market today, click here.