PhenQ Review
Rated: 3.1 out of 5
The studies have been completed, the research has been conducted and the clinical trials have their results. With that said, the questions have been answered and it has been made clear beyond any reasonable doubt that obesity is not just a major health factor in much of the modern world it's basically an epidemic. Sure, that may sound somewhat hyperbolic but when one boils down all the key facts it is absolutely true - more people are overweight today than they have ever been, and the causes are numerous.
Okay, so most people can be said to eat too much and too much of what they actually eat is extremely high caloric in content, but they also generally do not get sufficient exercise which, in most cases, would help to counteract some of the over the top intake of food. However, just the way that most people work now in this modern age keeps them at desks and in cubicles at computers for much of the day. And, when they get out work so many of them just end up in a car to sit in traffic before reaching home where they will end up sitting around eating less than nutritious meals and staring at some kind of entertainment on some kind of screen. Now, that might seem like a pretty depressing scenario and it has taken us a long time to get there but there is some encouraging data that shows more and more people have started to see just how bad all of this and have begun to find ways to take some control back in their lives again. And, often the easiest thing to do it take some simple and tiny steps to get a grip on things that they have lost control of. For example, instead of stopping everything that you may have been doing, you could just look for ways to roll back some of those empty calories that you take in, and which don't really offer you with any solid nutritional benefit.
No matter what course of action you decide to take it's good to know that there are a lot of different options out their today when it comes down to lowering calories. And sure, there are a multitude of different foods that might be better to eat than fast food, but most people just don't have the time or desire to make that kind of drastic change in their diet. So, one solution might be to look at the use of a dietary supplement which could mean a pill, powder or shake that is a low-calorie replacement. There are also numerous different products of this type on the market today and a bunch of them have proven over time to help users lower the use of less healthy items that they eat. The downside of this strategy is that these so-called weight loss products have become so successful and popular that the market for them has become flooded with more and more of them as just about any entity with the ability to produce one has done so. The real negative is that a good deal of these products have been found to be potentially unsafe and of very little overall benefit. And, for this reason there is a growing sense of frustration and confusion among potential users as they try to find the product that can provide them what they need. Keeping all of this in mind we, as a part of our ongoing attempts to help our many valued readers find the supplements that will most likely work for them, have decided to take a long and hard look at one of the most talked about weight loss product out there today - it's called PhenQ.
About PhenQ

PhenQ is produced and distributed by a company called the Baur Group which is said to have created this specific formula with the help of a dedicated team of experts in the field of nutrition and weight loss. The company puts forth a number of significant claims but the main one is that PhenQ can help to alleviate cravings for food while providing the body with a number of essential vitamins and minerals which are necessary for great health and well-being.
PhenQ Ingredients
A review of the listing of ingredients in PhenQ shows that they are comparable to a great many products of this kind. The key issue here is that it also seems to be lacking some of the most important elements which most researchers have determined to be critical in formulations of this type.
Looking at the product label one can see some of the basic information such as the fact that the main ingredients include Capsimax Powder, Calcium Carbonate, Chromium Picolinate, Caffeine, Nopal, L- Carnitine Fumarate and Lacey's Reset which is a patented compound utilizing cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA).
It should also be pointed out that there are numerous other ingredients found in the most highly respected brands which appear not to be included in the PhenQ formulation.
Research, Studies And Testing
There is no real argument that knowing what is contained in any of the products that one could purchase is a good thing as it allows potential consumers to know if the product has the most desirable ingredients or if it has any that might cause health problems such as allergic reactions. However, those who want or need to understand more about what they are buying can potentially turn to data derived from research, studies and clinical trials, assuming, that is, that the product they are examining was ever subjected to any of this given the less than tight regulations that many countries or regions within them have in this regard. Reviewing all of the data made available through the PhenQ company and numerous other industry sources we tend to use we could not locate any reports or other relevant data which would provide support to any of the many claims being made for the specific formulation used in PhenQ.
Where To Buy PhenQ
PhenQ can be found for purchase through a large array of well-known online retail websites. The best known among these would be and Walmart. Also, the cost differential among many of these outlets tends to vary considerably so potential buyers should conduct some research before making their purchase in order to get the best possible price.
User Reviews
In the days before most people had access to the internet there was little that they could do to get a solid idea of how good any product or service might actually be. Sure, they could speak to friends, family and possibly coworkers but that was a pretty limited pool of options. Then, as the internet became more available, millions and millions of consumers had the chance to hear about the experiences of other consumers. The issue with this is that many companies who provided poor quality products or services started to look for ways to reduce the power of this form of communication by working to erode the trust that they had in what they were seeing in these types of comments. Knowing all of this, we always look for the most independent sources of user reviews.
Based on a review of numerous industry related sites with no known affiliation to PhenQ or the Baur Group as well as a list of online forums and chat rooms with a history of talking about products of this type we located a large selection of independent user reviews for PhenQ. A compilation of the overall user approval ratings made clear that the vast majority of these independent user reviews did not believe that they were provided any significant or long-lasting benefits.
The Final Conclusion
We set out here to see if PhenQ was one of the top choices when it came to dietary supplements on the market today. To make that determination we decided to focus on just three key factors.
One was the list of ingredients and, as solid as they were, there were some notable omissions when compared to many of the industry's leading brands. Another was to look at what data was available regarding any research, studies or testing that PhenQ may have been the subject of. In this instance, we could not find any credible or verifiable evidence that would provide support the numerous claims being made for specific formulation in PhenQ. The final factor was based on the user comments and the fact that the majority of them did not feel that PhenQ measured up well compared to other products that they had apparently tried before.
Taking all of this into account, the only reasonable conclusion that can be made here is that PhenQ, at least at this time, is not among the top options in the world of supplemental weight loss products.
For more information on high quality weight loss products available on the market today, click here.