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NutriSystem Reviews

Rated: 4 out of 5

NutriSystem's weight-loss program has been in existence for over thirty years, providing pre-packaged meals and snacks by mail. The company offers a variety of packages in addition to the purchase of ala carte items.

Many customers praise the convenience of the NutriSystem program, since you pre-select the food you want and the company delivers it to your door. NutriSystem's recommended low-calorie diet is an effective way to lose weight, as are almost all low-calorie regimens.

Customers who did not stick with the NutriSystem plan had complaints that fell into two major categories. The first group was turned off by NutriSystem's food; for the most part, meals and snacks are all highly-processed, sodium-laden, and devoid of any taste of freshness. Many customers complained about the overly salty taste of NutriSystem's foods, although the company states that their daily meal plans fall within the FDA limits for daily sodium intake.

A few users commented that they disliked the taste and consistency of the meals and snacks but were able to receive a refund for the food they had ordered that was not yet delivered to them.

The other group of complaints focused on NutriSystem's high prices. As you might imagine, the cost of all of this convenience food and the required shipping is steep - as much as $500 per month or more.

NutriSystem Supplement Ingredients

Since the NutriSystem program includes a variety of meal and snack items, it is almost impossible to list all of the individual ingredients. The company states that the meal plan calories break out into approximately 55 to 60 percent from low glycemic carbohydrates, 20 to 25 percent from protein, and 20 to 25 percent from fats.

What Does NutriSystem Cost?

You can purchase NutriSystem's meals and snacks from the company's website or by calling their toll-free phone number. There are a wide variety of plans and options available for a variety of time durations. If you sign up for auto delivery, the company currently offers a 10 percent discount off of the 28-day program price, as well as free shipping.

In addition, NutriSystem is offering a one-week free promotion when you sign up for auto-ship; if you pay for four weeks of food, you will receive the fifth week's food at no charge.

Does NutriSystem Work?

Unless you live under a rock, you have no doubt seen all of the NutriSystem ads on TV and in magazines touting the success stories of some of their customers. No doubt that these people were able to lose weight following the NutriSystem meal and snack plans, since the calories are limited to what you would eat on almost any calorie-restricted diet plan. We are concerned with several things about the NutriSystem program, however; the lack of fresh food is worrisome, as is the high sodium content of many of the food choices.

NutriSystem's program is also pricey compared with other weight-loss plans and the cost of buying your own food locally. A more effective (not to mention affordable) alternative is a natural weight loss supplement, coupled with a low-calorie diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

For the top-rated alternatives to the NutriSystem plan, read our reviews.

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